OKOndt GROUP has a vast experience in production of flaw detectors of different types – ultrasonic, eddy-current and electromagnetic acoustic. There is also a large spectrum of ndt equipment for sale to meet the requirements of automated testing. Ndt products for automated testing are highly sophisticated means that can solve specific tasks of ndt inspection during manufacturing of prefabricated components and parts. The systems for automated testing are mainly composed by specialized multiple flaw detectors combined with a set of other NDT tools. Ultrasonic flaw machines are intended for non-destructive testing of products for the presence of defects such as discontinuity and inhomogeneity of material in raw stock, finished items, in-process goods, welded, soldered, bolted, riveted and other joints. Also, ultrasonic flaw detectors can be used for solving additional testing tasks, such as measurement of thickness, assessment of sound velocity in various materials, etc.
Ultrasonic thickness gauges are ndt tools that utilize the same principles as UT flaw detectors, but serve only for estimating thicknesses of components and parts, and calculating sound velocities in them. Eddy-current flaw detectors are used for testing parts and components for the presence of surface or subsurface defects, such as discontinuity of the material (cracks, overlaps, holes, fine cracks, etc.) by utilizing eddy current technique. Each set of non-destructive testing devices - be it purposed for testing of either longitudinal pipes or railcar axles or aircraft parts, is a flaw detector backed up by a kit of ndt testing equipment, which enables the basic flaw detector to handle any specialized task or to perform universal flaw detection. So, buying a flaw detector from OKOndt GROUP means getting a pre-assembled set of non-destructive test equipment, which consists of a variety of transducers, cables, calibration blocks for different applications. Our multi-purpose ndt machines allows solving a wide range of testing tasks. Besides, OKOndt GROUP performs ndt equipment sales, with a possibility to adjust the purchased product to specific customer’s needs.